Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a definiton along with a different meaning

what does it mean..
to have a friend?
to be a friend?
to be friends?

are they supposed to be someone you can talk to?
or someone to talk about?
should they be allowed to make you cry?
or hold you while you cry?
what about honesty?
is it all about telling each other what you want to hear?
or opening up despite if it hurts them or even you,
because at the end of the day
you know that this friend will still be there and love you?
will they even be there?

what would you call friendships that are
broken, corrupted, or that never was?
everyone gives a definition,
yet they live it out with a totally different meaning.
what does it mean anymore?

Sunday, December 6, 2009


today was just one of those days where everything worked out.

nothing was completely spectacular or horrible. it was just one of those days that make your heart feel warm despite the cold weather, just knowing that you're surrounded by such love, uncontainable, undefinable, and completely free.

it makes me wonder if i deserve days so great and peaceful such as these. but i remember as i've been so distant from God these days, he wants me to be happy and he promises days like today and so much more.

what i know for sure. i am blessed. for the happiness. the pain. the peace. the light. and sometimes even the loneliness. because whatever i have to go through. it only brings me that much closer to him.