Tuesday, September 1, 2009

so many thoughts run through my head

i dont know whats going on with the world these days
while everyone races to be the prettiest, the strongest, the best.
what matters anymore to this generation of comfort and technology?
the life that used to prize streams of water as they formed the centers
of communities..becomes landfills filled with water bottles.

has the pureness of life gone away?
that no one can be satisfied with simplicity.
now its fortune and overabundance.
having the most, having it all
versus wanting what you already have.

and few can fight this. this age that takes people in
with no knowledge of whats going on.
don't you wish you could start over?
go back to the beginning when you and i were nothing
but everything at the same time.
forget all the fights, the brokenness, the greed, the pride.

clear skies, fresh cupcakes, talks that last hours.

lets go back. back to the beginning.